Uma Chamling Rai, who was arrested by the Sadar police station on December 30 and held in police custody for five days, has been sent back to Nepal. However, the charges against her remain under investigation, and she is required to appear before the court when notified, said a Sikkim police source speaking to Sikkim Chronicle.
“Acting upon a complaint filed for Uma Chamling Rai’s safety, given her foreign residency, she was arrested and was appeared before the court and was under police custody for five days. With the completion of the due process of preliminary investigation and seizure, Rai has been sent back to Nepal,” stated Sikkim police sources.
Upon Rai’s arrest on December 30, organisations and political outfits of Sikkim had voiced against her arrest.
SPYF on December 30, through press release termed the charges against Rai ‘ is nothing but desperate attempt to shield the ego of ruling dispensation”
“The recent police action against Uma Chamling Rai, a social media content creator and a Nepalese citizen, have put Sikkmese society under shame. She was arrested by Sadar police over alleged charges of ‘instigating communal violence in Sikkim’. She has been booked under section 153 A/153 B/505(1)/505(2) of IPC. She was produced before the court today and is under five days police remand.The cases have been fabricated against her under wrong pretence. The ruling dispensation have become so insecure, that minor trifles of the day affects them.” Added the statement
SPYF further alleged Jacob Khaling, Political Secretary to Sikkim Chief Minister of defaming Rai by calling terrorist, “Political Secretary to the CM in a desperate attempt to defame her claimed that she is a terrorist . If she was a national threat as said by the Political Secretary, then how come the authority allowed her entry in the state? How come she was not a national threat when she made vlogs of the state level Sakewa program at Namchi? Such statements against the tourist speaks volume of the mentality of the ruling government . It is an utter shame that a person holding responsible post in the goverment spits poison in our society just to defame a lady tourist who didn’t adhere to their mentality”
“Moreover, the action against tourist from neighbouring country sends wrong message to the others who want to visit our state. We oppose the police action on her with our strongest voice and stand in solidarity. We hope the people in power follows “Atithi Devo Bhabha” as the proclaim in every functions and stop using police force at their will to satisfy their already inflated ego!” Added the statement
Similarly, newly registered Sikkim’s Citizen Action Party also condemed the arrest and termed arbitrary, ” We believe that this is an arbitrary and unjustified action by the State Government, which has violated the fundamental rights of Miss Chamling Rai and the principles of the India-Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1950.” Said CAP through Press release
“Arrest of Miss Chamling Rai is a desperate act by the State Government to suppress the voice of dissent and criticism, and to create fear and division among the people of Sikkim. This has brought an embarrassment to the people of Sikkim, who are known for their peaceful and harmonious co-existence with their Nepalese brethren. The State Government has also disregarded the special relations that exist between India and Nepal, which are characterized by an open border and deep-rooted people-to-people contacts of kinship and culture. As per the Treaty of 1950, Nepalese citizens avail facilities and opportunities on par with Indian citizens in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty.” Added the statement
“Citizen Aaction Party-Sikkim stands in solidarity with Miss Chamling Rai and the Nepalese community in Sikkim, and will continue to fight for their rights and welfare. We appeal to the people of Sikkim to remain calm and united, and to resist any attempts by the State Government to divide and polarize them on communal lines.”
Uma Chamling Rai, a resident of Nepal, was arrested by the Sadar police station on December 30 following a complaint filed against her for alleged charges of instigating communal violence. She was booked under sections 153A, 153B, 505(1), and 505(2) of the IPC.”