Tag: SDF

“(सोरेङ हिंसा घटना) हिंसा फैलाउनेहरूलाई उचित सजाय दिनुपर्छ”: सिक्किम प्रोग्रेसिभ युथ फोरम –

प्रेस विज्ञप्ती सोरेङको घटनामा संगठनको अढान प्रजातन्त्रको स्थापना गर्न संसारभरी अनगन्ती मानिसहरूले संघर्ष र वलिदान गरेका हुन। एकतन्त्रे शाषनलाई उखेलेर

By SC Desk

“Soreng incident 30th of april is a failure of the state intelligence”: Passang Sherpa, SNS

Recently, on April 30, party workers from SDF and SKM had a clash in Soreng which had turned violent resulting

“Present Government is abusing its power” : Pawan Chamling

SDF party President and former Chief Minister Pawan Chamling while addressing the party workers in a Labour Day celebration at

By SC Desk

SDF submit a representation for immediate investigation of brutal attacks on their party workers

SIKKIM DEMOCRATIC FRONT Press Release The frequent incidents of brutal attack, pelting of stones and damaging of vehicles of the

By SC Desk

“सत्तारूढ़ एसकेएम अनि विपक्ष एसडीएफ पार्टीबीच भएको झगड़ाले हदै पार गरेको छ”: डा. राजु गिरी, भाजपा, सिक्किम

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति 30 अप्रेल, 2022 शान्तिप्रिय अनि प्रजातन्त्रप्रेमी जनताको बसोवास रहेको सिक्किम राज्यमा हालका दिनहरूमा राजनैतिक झै-झगड़ाका घटनाहरू दिन प्रतिदिन

By SC Desk

“शान्तमय सिक्किममा एसडीएफका बन्दुकधारी आतंकवादी” – बिरेन्द्र तामलिङ, सिक्किम क्रान्तिकारी मोर्चा

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति शान्तमय सिक्किममा एसडीएफका बन्दुकधारी आतंकवादीहरूले आज बन्दुकउठाएर आफ्नो आतंकवादी स्वरुप मात्र देखाएको छैन सिक्किमे समाजमा त्रास जगाएको छ,

By SC Desk

SDF worker open fires: Sikkim on alert

After a break of just few weeks, of the previous clash between SKM and SDF party workers, the last one

“Our main focus will be strengthening the Panchayati Raj System that is being stripped of rights by the present Government”- Ganesh Rai

Politician Ganesh Rai greeted Sikkimese Panchayats on occasion of 13th National Panchayati Raj Day today, through a facebook live video.

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