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At Sikkim Chronicle, accuracy and credibility take the forefront, making sure that the standards of ethical and good journalism remain untarnished.
SC is not only an independent news media house but a voice for the public – old or young, those who seek answers and ask questions find their space here.
Our young and remarkable team of journalists, reporters and editors work hard to bring stories to the audience. For these stories to be told, SC needs your help. As a voluntary subscriber, you would not only be getting a curation of exclusive stories but also supporting those who go out into the field to find them.
SC’s team has tackled COVID-19 news coverage headon, making sure our audience gets the necessary information and updates while also asking the big questions and urging our community to do the same.
SC is indebted to its readers. We exist because of your support. Subscribing to us would mean aiding and endorsing fair and ethical journalism.
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