Sikkim progressive youth Forum on March 10 organised a discussion on ‘political violence’, the day-long event saw representatives of various political parties and non-political organisations along with individual political and social activists of Sikkim.
The discussion sought concern and opinions on the SPYF given theme “हिंसात्मक राजनीतिको प्रतिरोध गर्दै लोकतन्त्रलाई बचाऔं” ‘Save Democracy, Voice against Political Violence’.

Addressing the gathering, Rupen Karki SPYF General Secretary expressed that not only an organization but every organization and individual in Sikkim needs to come together in unity to end the political violence in the State.
“Where the Sikkimese society will be heading if the State politics is dependent on muscle power. So, to end this system and to democratize society is the need of the hour,” he said.
He stated that not from the privileged families, but unemployed youths from working classes have been used for political violence, and they are always deprived of their dignified life throughout the life. He stressed that everyone needs to condemn and protest such political violence in the State.
KB Rai, President of Sikkim Republican Party, said the ruling party should work as per the hope and aspiration of the people instead of indulging in political violence.
“When any political party used the people’s mandate to fulfil its personal interest and agenda instead of fulfilling its promises made to the people, then such a situation led to political violence.” He added.
Further, Rai maintained that the people need to identify such politicians to save Sikkim. He assured that the SRP will extend its full support in any movement to end the political violence from the State.
Bina Rai, Joint Action Council women’s wing coordinator, questioned the ruling party women’s wing on their silence on the violence and character assassinations of women from other political parties.
Rai urged women of Sikkim to come forward and raise their voice in any injustice against them in the State.
Likewise, a member of JAC women’s wing Eli Rai suggested checking the problem of substance abuse in the State to control political violence in the State.
Sagar Sharma, Zilla Panchayat from West Sikkim also questioned whether it was necessary to carry along muscle powers by people’s representatives after winning the election instead of remaining a simple person as before the election.
On the same, Sharma maintained that,” it is high time to change the trend and to voice together to end the political violence from Sikkim.”
Nawin Kiran Pradhan, Advocate and socio-political activist, stated that many youths in Sikkim have already spoiled their life after being used by political parties for political violence. He alleged that the violence used by the political party to remain in power has been the trend in Sikkim for a long time, but it has increased and reached its saturation point at present.
In addition, Pradhan also stressed that immature and instigating political speeches need to be stopped immediately and everyone needs to unite to protest such a system in the State.
Madan Tamang former President of Sikkim Suraksha Samiti stated that, “Incidents of political violences are taking place due to lack of unity in political and non-political organisations of the State.”
“Political violence gets encouraged when one organization sits silent when it happens to members of other organizations. So, everyone needs to unite and speak together on such practice.” Rai added.
Dr Kamal Adhikari of Bharatiya Janata Party Sikkim Pradesh stressed that ‘realistic retaliation’ was the need of the hour to end the trend of political violence in Sikkim.
In his address, Adhikari also assured that BJP Sikkim would provide full support if the SPYF comes up with a realistic approach to end the political violence in the State.
Mahesh Rai, Spokesperson of Citizen Action Party, stressed upon the political reform to control and eradicate the political violence from the State. He said that the right political will in the State government would allow its machineries to work effectively and that led to the political reforms”
TN Adhikari of Sikkim Pradesh Congress Committee stated that, ‘it is responsibility of ruling party to control and end the political violence.”
In addition, Adhikari also assured that Congress party would also extend its full support to end the political violence in the State.
Balbir Tamang President of Sikkim Gorkha Jagaran Sangh maintained that, “if advocates in Sikkim would fight for victims of political violence irrespective of any political inclination and protect them, then it would discourage political violence in the State.”
Deepak Tiwari, writer stressed that “irrespective of any party, if political party uses violence as form of political tool then the responsibility to control and eradicate is on the party”
In addition, Tiwari stressed upon the need of idealistic politics in the State to end the political violence by working on principles.
Likewise, KL Thapa of Aam Aadmi party said that the protection of culprits indulging in the political violence would further encourage them, so a strict law is needed to control the political violence.
He further suggested that political revenge should be stopped to curb the political violence. Likewise, another AAP member, Philip Lamichaney, urged political parties to stop violence and to prove with their works to get the people’s mandate.
Following the discussion, members of SYPF placed proposals to hold such programmes in every district to create political consciousness.
Further, the organizers also stressed on to hold peaceful march by bringing all political and non-political organisations in future days to make aware people on political violence.