Sikkim Public Service Commission faces backlash of claimed mis-conduct in the January 16 preliminary examination of three state civil service recruitment. Social media buzz on mis-conduct took the headlines. Opposition front SDF demanded re-examination likewise, Reform call also alleged political biasedness in the recruitment process.
Along with oppositions, netizens collectively opine on re-examination. One netizen on social media wrote “We want fair exam in Sikkim to be conducted by UPSC, TCS or NTA. SPSC Sikkim is incapable to conduct exam without any external influence. #boycottspsc #fairexaminsikkim ”.

“SPSC should reconduct and postponed the exam with suitable time for preparation. Also they should come up with valid clarification,” Another wrote.

“This is just heartbreaking moments for us who have worked hard and done our examination. I would also add some suggestions for #Spsc ,as I see there are many aspirants from Gyalshing and Soreng districts and you have made our center in Rangpo so, it created many problems to us especially students from West districts in traveling and staying. As there are more aspirants from west and soreng districts why don’t you make a centre in one of this district. Our districts too have many institutions. We would be really grateful towards you. Hope you look into this matter”

“Condemn SPSC they have ruined every civil service aspirants live. The SPSC must be held accountable. Punishment must fit the crime. But wait “NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN,NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AGAINST SPSC,SOME LAME EXCUSE WILL BE GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC AND WE WILL HAVE TO EXCEPT IT AND MOVE ON ” TOTAL ANARCHY”

“There should be the rescheduling of exam. It seems joke for someone but for some this is not. This is the height of irresponsible and corrupt practices. Such a shame. SPSC should have done it fairly. Opportunities should be for deserving. This is heart breaking.”

“Paper 1 question was set in such a way that if one had mobile phone with him or her the person can score full marks”

“I was there in SRM and yes Cell phone was there with candidates, though invigilator asked him after seeing it and kept in front straight to me and it was buzzing continuously in the last hour of paper1 every1 is distracted with that tone.”

“How do you fail at conducting an examination when you only conduct after every 6-7 years. Is 7 years not enough time to prepare 200 questions aptly?. It really makes you wonder the quality of people that are present in the so called Apex recruiting body of the state “SPSC”. One question is why were we made to write our names when in no recruitment exams there is such a provision since it can lead to unfairness or biasness?. And In the end if you are going to say there was a shortage of staff so there was a lapse in security then who in their right mind conducts an examination on a working day on Monday?”

“SPSC should conduct re exam because we have paid huge amount of money. RS 1500 is not a joke for unemployed youths like us. Even after paying 1500 rs if they can’t set questions well and conduct exams properly then it’s a huge shame for a constitutional body like spsc. Dont treat us simply like a source of revenue collection from unemployed youth like us. This is totally unfair spsc. If you really want to show some credibility either conduct re-examination or refund our hard-earned parents’ money. Don’t do Maha loot from youth like us.”

“All the hard work and all the sleepless night I have gone through I am frustrated and demotivated by the SPSC. Worst commission can’t differentiate between state and UT lacks basic knowledge. Goru haru”

SPSC in reply issued a press statement on January 21, in which the department assured probe; “Many speculations/allegations are doing the rounds in the social media regarding the Sikkim Services (Combined Recruitment) Preliminary Examination conducted by the Sikkim Public Service Commission on 16th January 2023.” Reads the press statement

“The Commission has taken the matter seriously and is verifying the facts proactively. As per the findings, appropriate action will be taken accordingly. Revised answer keys are being uploaded on 21st January, 2023 by the Commission duly taking into account all the concerns of the candidates.” Added the statement
“The Commission assures fair evaluation to all the aspiring candidates.” Concludes the press statement
On January 19, similar kind of incident occurred in Arunachal Pradesh, when the Central Bureau of Investigation carried out search operations at nine places across the state in connection with its probe into alleged ‘irregularities in the examinations’ conducted by the state public service commission.