Today I am writing this because a precious and powerful birth right of every citizen has been stolen. Everyday wherein no one notices in this rush series of cruel scenarios happening in the state, the right of every child, hope of every parent has been taken away that is to see “A DREAM”. Dream to break the chain of poverty, dream to change the unpleasant reality into amusement, dream to pay back his parents sacrifices, dream to rest down the burdens of loan taken by his parents on schooling, dream to have a bright future one day after a long hard years of education.
But the sad truth is, now only people with big pockets can afford to dream, only their future is secure, even if they can’t crawl they are winning the marathon.
All my brothers and sisters, I think it’s time to stop imagining and build a dream because it only lies to those whose pockets are thickly lined.
No anticipation has been taken by SPSC regarding the previous examination of ( AO/DSP/US ) which was conducted on date : 16/01/2023, wherein certain disguise was formulated right after the examination, after which all the concerned citizen and the youths who had appeared for the exam had also asked SPSC to either reconduct or take the necessary actions regarding it but its been ages now, no information has been brought under notice by SPSC higher committees. Even after they conducted their higher level committee meeting no solution for this has been given till date.
Not only me but many youths who had appeared for this examination are still waiting for the conclusion from the authorities.
Many youths have given their years of preparation and some had made big expenses for coaching classes. So many of us are still holding patience.
We understand the chaos happening in our state which is totally of concern but being a candidate who worked hard and appeared the examination need a proper clarification.
There are other aspirations waiting out there to get elucidated whether there is still a hope or to actually walk away from it and never trust the authorities again.
Hence I would kindly like request SPSC to kindly bring this case under notice and take it as top priority and solve this matter as soon as possible.
By Budha Bir Subba. The author can be contacted at
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