Sikkim , located in the foot of the Eastern Himalayas is the smallest state in India. Notwithstanding its small size, Sikkim is of great political and strategic importance for India because of its location along several international boundaries. Long a sovereign political entity, Sikkim became a protectorate of India in 1950 and an Indian state in 1975. Thus, Democracy in Sikkim is almost 48 year old chapter and the most valuable chapter we, Sikkimese achieved in exchange of our country.
However, today we are standing in a crossroads where we need to question what is democracy and What is the status of democracy in Sikkim today?
Most common defination of democracy is that given by Abraham Lincoln, “Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people”. Thus, I would like to ask my fellow Sikkimese, does our current democracy reflect Abraham Lincoin’s description?
I as a common person, feel that the democracy of our state is in crises. Our democracy is like that of the people, by the people but only for the “PARTY”
I have lived most of my life as a social worker and was employed for rural development and livelihood projects which dealt with improving the living standard and livelihood of people in rural areas, thus, I learned the importance of “Good Governance” for development of a state.
A Good governance is a fundamental pillar that lays the foundation for a thriving and equitable society. It encompasses a set of principles and practices that ensures transparency, accountability, rule of law and effective public participation in decision – making.
Good governance starts with transparency where government actions and decisions are open , easily accessible and understandable to the public.
Public officials must be answerable for their decisions and actions promoting responsibility and discouraging corruption. Establishing clear lines of accountability helps maintain the integrity of public institutions. Upholding the rule of law ensures that everyone is treated fairly and justice in administered impartially.
Inclusive decision making is a hallmark of good governance. Engaging citizens in the policy making process fosters a sense of ownership and ensures that diverse perspective are considered.
Streamlining processes, eleminating bureaucratic hurdles and optimising resources allocation contribute to the overall well-being of the state. This efficiency lends to better public service delivery.
In today’s scenerio our state faces lots of hurdles in reagard of quality education, employment, good road conditions, economic status, town planning, health sectors , water scarcity, agriculture and so many more.
These five years have shown our state and its people the dreadful experience as a consequence of BAD governance. We as a common citizen has faced the change in the mode of Governance, which is putting the citizen in the shadows.
Politics for many might be just for the change in power or change in government however now politics must be that of “Good Governance” especially keeping in mind the future of the next generation.
In Conclusion , Sikkim today is in need of Good Governance, the promotion of good governance is not merely an ideal but a pragmatic necessity for societies among sustainable development. Encouraging good governance is not only about holding leaders accountable but also about active citizen participation. It’s a collective effort that paves the way for a society where everyone can thrive.
As the elections are nearing there are many political parties in our state, so I like humbly request our people to get involved in such groups which promotes and supports local ideas, where the Voice of Youth matters, where our identity matters and lastly the “Party” which can truly bring “good change”; because the need of the hour for our state is not just any Government, but a government which can provide good governance
Bharat Rai, Upper Sadam,Melli South Sikkim

Views/Opinions expressed in the article or write up is purely of the author/writer and not of The Sikkim Chronicle.