Regional Workshop-cum-stakeholders Meet
held at Tashiling secretariat conference hall today. The day long workshop was organized by G.B Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment (NIHE) Sikkim Regional Centre Pangthang, Gangtok, in the presence of S.C Gupta, Chief Secretary, Government of Sikkim along with other dignitaries.
The Regional workshop-cum-stakeholders meet is mainly focused on mainstreaming landscape approaches for conservation and sustainable Livelihoods-sharing of lessons and wise practices from Khangchenzonga landscape, India.
It’s objective and aims are;
To highlight the achievements, lessons and wise practices of conservation and sustainable livelihood from KL-India and generate a wider debate among domain experts across the region so that the value of landscape approaches is widely appreciated.
To identify front-running environment and development priorities for implementation phase-II that requires evidence based interventions for planning and policies in the region.
To strengthen institutes’ linkages with other agencies and Himalayan Knowledge Network (HKN) in Sikkim-sharing key outcomes of Research and Development activities at GBPNIHE Sikkim Regional Centre.
Exhibition and showcasing on knowledge products, value added products success stories and best practice on conservation and sustainable livelihood.
Furthermore, considering this in view, two days regional workshop- cum-stakeholders meet on “Mainstreaming Landscape Approaches for conservation and sustainable livelihood- Sharing of lessons And wise practices from Khangchenzonga Landscape, India” is scheduled to be organized in sikkim on December 9 and 10, 2021.
The event will be organized under the aegis of “Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsava” and as part of “International Mountain Day- 2021” celebration.
The workshop will be organized by G.B Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development (NIHE) in a collaboration with Department of forest and environment, Government of Sikkim, Department of forest, Government of Sikkim, Department of Science and Technology, Government of Sikkim, Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services , Government of Sikkim, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), The Mountain Institute (TMI)-India, Sikkim, Mutanchi Lom Aal Shezum (MLAS),Dzongu, Sikkim, Khangchenzonga Conservation Committee (KCC) Sikkim, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) and Himalayan Nature and Adventure Foundation (HNAF).
In addition, the expected outcomes of the workshops are ;
Validation of findings/achievements/outcomes of KLCDI phase-I through Stakeholders consultation and generating wider debate among domain experts across the region.
Issue brief on gaps and priorities of devising action plan of KLCDI implementation phase -II and mid Term action plan-V for trans boundary landscape.
Strengthen the institutional network and engagement of stakeholders for developing HKN in Sikkim Himalayan Region.
Promotion of potential sustainable livelihood options through knowledge products, value added products, success stories and best practice as part of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava and International Mountain Day.