Declining Fertility Rate: A Daunting Challenge before the State of Sikkim

Everyone knows that Sikkim is a small extraordinarily picturesque mountainous state tucked away in the Himalayas in the northeast of

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The new variant of Covid again raises the alarm! : OPED

Almost after seven months, for the first time yesterday, I put my feet out on the road to buy some

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OPED: Government Offices and the Problems of the Public

By Anish Sharma. The views/opinions are solely of the author not of Sikkim Chronicle “May

Religion, Caste system in voting behaviour of Sikkim

We all know that India is a democratic country. It gives its citizens liberty and

OPED: Free Education in Sikkim; Boon or Bane?

Education is the first step for people to gain the knowledge, critical thinking, empowerment and 

“The master’s tool will not dismantle the master’s house”: Mainstream feminism and the paradox of women’s emancipation

Feminism today occupies a substantially larger place in the popular imagination than it did in

Women’s Wage-less Work: The Fuel of Capitalism

This write up is purely of the author/writer and not of The Sikkim Chronicle. For