सिलगढीका युवाहरूलाई दक्षिण भारतीय चलचित्रमा अवसर

गान्तोक, 8 जुलाई ः  (अर्जुन पीयूष)। कार्तिक सुब्बाराजद्वारा निर्देशित एवं लिखित दक्षिण भारतीय पूर्णाङ्ग फिल्ममा सिलगढीस्थित पृष्ठभूमि कला संस्थान, सिलगढीका

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Sikkim Daily Covid-19 report: 96 recoveries, 251 positive, 01 death

Sikkim reported 251 daily positive cases taking the state’s cumulative count to 24047 cases, currently, active stand at 2616. A

97 Delta variant Covid-19 cases reported in Sikkim

97 Delta variant of Covid19 found in Sikkim. According to various research The Delta variant is more severe with high

Sikkim Daily Covid-19 report: 136 recoveries, 257 positive

Sikkim reported 257 new  positive cases taking the state’s cumulative count to 23649 cases, currently, active stand at 2429. A

केवल 2 वर्षको कार्य अवधिमा सम्पूर्ण रुपले असफल भएको सरकारले 25 वर्षको तुलना गर्ने कुरा अत्यन्त हास्यास्पद हो : एस डी एफ

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति ढाँट्न ,छल्न र कुरालाई बङ्ग्याउनमा माहिर एसकेएम पार्टीले चुनावी घोषणा-पत्रमा लेखेका वचनहरू पूरा गर्न अनि कोरोना रोकथाम गर्न पुरै

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Sikkim: Former CM claims that SKM led Government has utterly failed in implementing Covid-19 protocols in the state

In the press release issued by the SDF party today, the former Chief Minister Pawan Chamling criticised the administration under

Sikkim Daily Covid-19 report: 98 recoveries, 155 positive, 03 deaths

Sikkim reported 155 daily positive cases taking the state’s cumulative count to 23392 cases, currently, active stand at 2308. A

MP Indra Hang takes part in meeting of ‘different political parties constituting NDA’ chaired by PM Modi

Lok Sabha MP Indra Hang Subba represented Sikkim Krantikari Morcha party in a meeting of the floor leaders of different

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एसडिएफ पार्टीका वयोवृद्ध कृष्ण खरेल राजनैतिक आत्मा छिनेका व्यक्ति हुन : शितल सोताङ

 केही दिन अघि एसडिएफ पार्टीका वयोवृद्ध कृष्ण खरेलको एउटा हिन्दी दैनिक समाचार पत्रमा प्रकाशित बयान पढ़ेपछि दुइचार कुरा लेख्न मन

By SC Desk