SC Desk

Sikkim Chronicle is a unit of Yonika Infotainment Pvt. Limited. Sikkim’s first registered digital news platform which believes to provide right, reliable and credible news and information to the people of Sikkim and around. We have endeavored to appropriately credit the source of all intellectual property we share through this community.
618 Articles

The irritating habits of some Babus and Babunis of stuck-up paper-pushers

You have been extraordinarily lucky if you have never fallen victim to some of the ignoble taunts of our honourable babus and babunis who

By SC Desk

A Spartan attitude to child growth | Society begets children

Sparta, the city-state in ancient Greece is known for arguably the proudest military legacy in human history. But the inside story was more heinous than the external

By SC Desk

Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.