A week long Skill Training of Rural Youth (STRY) on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Horticultural Crops began today at College of Horticulture, CAU(I) Bermoik, Namchi South Sikkim jointly organized by Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Namchi District in collaboration with Multi Technology Testing Centre (MTTC) , COH, CAU, Bermoik, Namchi. 25 number of rural youths are attending this training programme.
Chief Guest for the day, Ram Kumari Sharma, Joint Director, Agriculture Department , Govt of Sikkim gave a descriptive presentation on Integrated Pest Management in Organic Farming. Similarly, Dr AK Pandey, Dean, COH, Bermoik delivered a presentation on the Integrated Pest Management in Vegetables. Dr Nation Rai, Dy PD ATMA, Agriculture officials, students were also present in the said programme. Mustard seeds, hermetic storage bags and bio organic inputs were also distributed to the beneficiaries.