Earlier on February 24 Apex Body of Indian Origin People of Sikkim had submitted letter subjected ‘Views & comments with probable problems & solutions in implementation of ILP’ to the member Secretary Committee on Inner Line Permit, Health & Family Welfare Department.
Apex Body of Indian Origin People of Sikkim in the submitted memorandum on ILP stated, “We have certainly been seeing a few hundred new businesses ranging from multi brand outlets/organised retailing to hawkers (run by non-residents) spring up every year denting and sharing our precious limited resources including valuable revenue from tourism sector”
“It needs to be mentioned that already ILP is in operation in Sikkim in protected and restricted areas with regards to National Security AND there appears no threat perception warranting application of ILP in all parts of Sikkim. However, it is fairly understood that the purpose and purport of this exercise is to stop/keep at check influx of people such that our limited resources remain for the benefit of persons ordinarily residing in Sikkim/ Voters as on date in Sikkim only” added the memorandum
In addition, the body claimed that with ILP implementation Sikkim may see ‘Fall in tourist inflow’, “The inflow of domestic tourists in NE states (Arunachal, Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram) wherein ILP is implemented, has seen a diminishing trend after its implementation.” Reads the memorandum
“The economies of the NE states implementing ILP are dependent upon tourism to the extent of mere 20%, whereas the economy of Sikkim is by and large dependent on tourism sector to the extent of 60%, giving direct and indirect employment to about 2 lakh people comprising of about-4000 hotels, home stays and restaurants owners, 80000 staff employed therein, 3000 Bus and Taxi owners 300 tour operators, 2000 tourist and trekking guides, AND family members thereof” added memorandum
In the suggestion part, the 10-organisation formed Apex Body of Indian Origin People of Sikkim said, “SWOT (Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat) analysis considering the internal and external factors, current & future potential of the state towards achievement of all round positive growth & progressive GDP. The Apex Body of Indian Origin People of Sikkim most fervently requests your High Office to kindly consider the subject matter in light of facts and circumstances present and projected highlighted above, in the interest of all persons ordinarily resident in Sikkim till date/ Voters and development of the State by exempting them from the purview of ILP, if at all ILP is considered absolutely necessary after SWOT analysis and Give us an opportunity to be heard at public hearing when scheduled.”
Apex Body Indian Origin People of Sikkim also mentioned their 03 point ‘Probable Problem’ and 11 point FALL OUT.

Following to the memorandum submitted by Apex Body of Indian Origin People of Sikkim, JAC countered and termed 10 organisations to be bogus,, Keshav Sapkota, General Secretary, JAC addressing the media on March 02 at Gangtok said “We are very perplexed as to how these can be registered associations in Sikkim when The Sikkim Regulation of Societies, Associations and other Voluntary Organisations Act, 2008 (Amendment Act, 2015) requires all members of the executive body of all associations in Sikkim to have Sikkim Subject or COI. So please submit to us how these associations have managed to get registration in Sikkim illegally. Also, if these associations are not registered in Sikkim, please take due action by issuing a public notice immediately stating that these are illegal associations and that they have no locus standi to represent themselves in any public forum as they are all bogus associations with no legal basis.”
“Among all the suggestions submitted, these particular 10 associations who gave foreigner tag to the 80% population are not happy with implementation of Inner line permit and we are concentrating on this issue and moving ahead” Added Sonam Sherpa, Spokesperson JAC
During the address, JAC also informed that youth team of JAC visited Law, SNT, DOP and Land Revenue departments to seek quarries on various issues, “Youths of Sikkim are frustrated due to extension orders and regarding the extension issue we met DOP Secretary, in which secretary replied that DOP is just a postman the decision is taken by the state government”
JAC is not against anyone but against anti-Sikkimese,” JAC will take up issues of Sikkimese people and voice for the benefit of Sikkimese” assured Keshav Sapkota